Water & climate change policy: A brief history for future progress | Part 3

The final installment in a series of three articles on water and climate change policy has just been released by Global Water Forum. The three-part series is written by a group of AGWA members including the Co-Chairs, Coordinator, and Policy Group members. The articles will examine the co-evolution of water and climate change policy over the past 20 years. Part three explores the period from the most recent global climate policy conference to the present day, with speculation about where we may see water and climate policy headed into the future.

The preparation for Marrakesh’s UNFCCC COP22 (22nd United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties) in November 2016 moved water closer to the centre of the climate policy dialogue than at any point in the previous two decades. Perhaps the clearest sign of the seriousness of water to international climate negotiations came from Morocco, the COP22 host.

Read the full article at http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2017/02/20/water-climate-change-policy-a-brief-history-for-future-progress-part-3/.