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New Ideas, Frontiers, and Transformations - DMDU Annual Meeting

The Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) will hold its annual meeting in Monterrey, Mexico this November. Organizers will be monitoring the information regarding COVID19 very closely and as new information becomes available in the host location and worldwide.

The conference consists of theme plenaries, long-talk sessions, speed-talk sessions and poster tours.

Theme plenaries: a theme plenary consists of a single talk of 30 minutes that focuses on a major policy impact study or methodological advancement in the field. The theme plenaries can focus on specific areas, such as: water, energy, urban systems, economics, etc.

Long-talk sessions: a long-talk session consists of three talks. Each presenter will give a 20 minute talk followed by a joint discussion that will last approximately 15 minutes. All sessions are chaired.

Speed-talk sessions: A speed talk session will consist of 6 talks. Each presenter will give a 8 minute talk. After the talks the session participants can sit down and have a deeper 15-minute conversation with one presenter. Each presenter will be provided with a screen and a laptop to show content during these discussions.

Problem Solving sessions: In a problem-solving session a host or several co-hosts prepare a DMDU problem or set of questions to be addressed in an interactive activity, usually in smaller groups. Problem-solving sessions may be practice-based or theoretical in nature.

Poster tours: All posters will be clustered in groups of approximately ten according to a relating theme. Within groups, each poster will be given a time slot during the poster tour. During the tour each presenter will have two minutes to present his/her poster. After the round of presentations, there will be room for a short discussion. The poster tour will be chaired by the chair of the session.

Earlier Event: November 9
AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference
Later Event: November 12
Water Day in the Race to Zero Dialogues