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Water Resilient Food Systems under Climate Change

13:45–14:45 (GST / UTC+4)

This session is part of the Middle East and North Africa Regional Climate Week 2022 taking place in Dubai on March 28–31, 2022.

Organized by International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA); International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Global Resilience Partnership (GRP); FAO

Achieving transformations of water resilient food systems will require a compact between national and local government, communities and the private sector that bring together bundled solutions that integrate technology, data services, enhanced governance and policy.

Innovative resilient solutions and participatory approaches will facilitate climate action by considering regional, national, and local needs and priorities, by involving communities and private sectors in climate adaptation, and by making cities main catalysts of transformation.

This session will bring together the actors and policy levels involved (policy, farmers, water professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, and financiers) from across water-food-energy systems who are tackling these challenges.

The opening segment will set the tone by concentrating on the most up-to-date scientific data and underlining the challenges that MENA countries face.

In the second portion, speakers representing the various stakeholders will offer innovative solutions and implementation enablers that can be utilized to help develop resilience in food and water systems with a focus on cities as catalysts, and a spotlight on entrepreneurs.

Remote participation is possible for this event. Click on the MS Teams link below to join the event during its scheduled time.