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Adaptation Action Coalition Water Launch: What can we achieve together through the AAC?

The 12th Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD) will feature high-level discussions focused on political guidance for the UNFCCC negotiation agenda of COP 26 in Glasgow. The ministerial segment of the PCD will take place from 6-7 May, with a series of virtual satellite events supporting the dialogue process from 3-10 May. On Tuesday, 4 May the Global Water Partnership (GWP) and AGWA are co-organizing a water-centric satellite event on the integral role of water resilience for effective climate adaptation, and the role of the Adaptation Action Coalition’s Water Workstream.

The first Adaptation Action Coalition event since its launch, this water event brings together Ministers, NGOs, and the private sector to share experiences and discuss how to move towards greater action on water for climate adaptation. It will launch the UK ODA- funded ‘Water Tracker’, delivered in partnership with AGWA.

Registration for the PCD satellite event is handled through the official PCD website. Registration closes on 30 April.

Event Program

16:00-18:30 CEST


By Petersberg Dialogue Host Country

Opening remarks

Delivered by Alok Sharma (UK, COP26 President Designate)

Part I: Launch of the AAC Water Workstream

Facilitated Panel Discussion with voluntary members of the AAC on what the AAC work on water should encompass: What barriers to improve adaptation and water outcomes can we achieve together? What programs can support this?

Part II: Levers for change

Presentations on three levers for change: Better information for decision-making; Stronger political will; Improved financial flows.

Presentations by John Matthews of Alliance for Global Water Adaptation, Dani Gaillard-Picher of Global Water Partnership and WaterAid. Respondants from UNDP, the Netherlands representative and IFI representative.

Part III: How can the AAC water workstream achieve its goals?

Interactive survey exercise followed by facilitated Roundtable Discussion with invited participants

Closing remarks

Conclusions and next steps on the road to COP26