Interactions between water and different sectors
This webinar took place on 18 February 2021 as part of the “Water and Climate Coordination” series organized by Cap-Net, UNDP, Global Water Partnership, SIWI, the Water Governance Facility, and AGWA.
Speakers discuss:
the importance of ensuring that water interactions are considered in countries’ NDCs
the intersectoral linkages through water
the differences between first and enhanced NDCs
introduction to a practical tool for identifying climate and water linkages.
Speakers: Dizzane Billy, Climate Tracker; Marc Manyifika, Ministry for the Environment, Rwanda; Oscar Galvis, Coordinator of the Mines and Energy sector within the Colombian Strategy of Low carbon, Adapted and Resilient Development; Marianne Kjellén, UNDP; Danielle Gaillard-Picher GWP; Ingrid Timboe AGWA; Hakan Tropp, SIWI; Maggie White, SIWI.