AGWA Welcomes New Leadership & Advisory Support

AGWA is very pleased to announce the addition of two new members of its Board of Directors: Dani Gaillard-Picher of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and Raúl Muñoz Castillo of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). AGWA members voted online in mid-August to fill two openings on its Board, following the conclusion of the most recent term. We are grateful for the invaluable help from outgoing members Rachael McDonnell and William Logan. Dani and Raul began their terms coinciding with AGWA’s recent Annual Members Meeting on 24 August. Please join us in welcoming our newest Board Members as they help guide the direction of AGWA in the coming years.

Also at this year’s Annual Members Meeting, attendees voted to appoint a new Co-Chair to the Board. Thomas Panella was elected unanimously and will join James Dalton in Co-Chairing the Board.

In the past week, AGWA’s Strategic Advisory Council has also added two new members. Kate Brauman of the Global Water Security Center and Hassan Aboelnga of TH Köln will be joining the advisory body to support the work of the Executive Director with strategic inputs about topical issues and AGWA programming.

We are lucky to have access to such renowned individuals on the Board and Strategic Advisory Council!