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Policy dialogues in water scarce countries for achieving SDGs

13:30-15:00 GMT

This session is part of the 9th World Water Forum taking place in Dakar, Senegal on March 2126, 2022.

The Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) on behalf of the Egyptian Government is hosting the second session during the 9th World Water Forum Dakar 2022 titled “Policy dialogues in water-scarce countries for achieving SDGs”.

This high-level plenary session will discuss the conclusions from Cairo Water Week 2021. These discussions seek to turn the tide on cross-sectoral implementation of the water-related goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The session will discuss these national and regional challenges and define key action areas and potential cooperation. It will also revise the draft key messages to support policy recommendations, to enhance the implementation of water-related SDGs as an essential contribution to the 2023 UN Mid-term Review Conference.

The session will provide a platform for governments and non-governments experts to support the agreed policy key messages introduced in the Cairo Water Week 2021 conclusions, which mainly focus on: finance availability, technology and innovation, regional and sectoral cooperation, capacity building, and decision support tools. The UN Member States and the countries and institutions are invited to the event, which will be broadcasted to the public.


The sessions will gather government representatives, international and regional entities, multidisciplinary organizations, and High-Level experts from all parts of the world.

  • Session Moderator: Mr.Bai Mass Taal, Former Executive Secretary AMCOW, Special Adviser, Secretariat 9th World Water Forum, Dakar 2022

  • Opening Remarks:

    • H.E Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation

    • Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of World Water Council

  • Panel Discussion:

    • H.E. Carl Hermann Gustav Schlettwein, Minister for Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Republic of Namibia, (AMCOW) President

    • H.E. Mr. Serigne Mbaye THIAM, Minister of Water and Sanitation, Senegal

    • Dr. Henk WJ Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Dutch Government, Netherlands

    • H.E Mr. Abdulhakim ElWaer, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative of FAO in the Near East and North Africa region

    • Ms. Rola Dashti, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)

    • Eng Charafat Afailal, Expert on water resources, Former Moroccan Minister in charge of water

    • Prof. Dr. Ragab Ragab, UKCEH Fellow, Hydrologist and Water Resources Management Specialist, President of the International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage, ICID

    • Mr. Simon Thuo, Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)