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CDP's Global Water Forum
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CDP's Global Water Forum

The challenges of water quantity – namely droughts and floods - frequently hit the headlines.  Analysis of the largest global database on water quality by the World Bank warns of an “invisible crisis” of poor water quality that is threatening human and environmental well-being and slashing the economic potential of whole countries. 

Large industrial companies have legal, ethical and financial obligations to responsibly manage their pollution potential.  To thrive, they must realise the commercial opportunities and competitive advantages this presents. Wastewater is a vast untapped resource - of water, energy and precious materials - and rethinking the value we place on it, is key to transitioning to a water secure, zero carbon future.

Join CDP's Global Water Forum for an online, interactive event, to explore what water pollution issues mean for businesses and investors.

When: March 26; 08:00-09:30 GMT

Where: Online

The event will celebrate those companies cleaning up their act and capitalising on opportunities, those investors driving action and discuss what actions need to be taken to avert business impacts and seize opportunities. 

You will hear from:

  • Paul Dickinson, Executive Chair, CDP

  • Wilhelm Mohn, Head of Sustainability Initiatives, Corporate Governance, Norges Bank Investment Management

  • Lisa Beauvilain, Managing Director, Head of Sustainability & ESG, Impax 

  • Cate Lamb, Director of Water Security, CDP

  • Debra Tan, Director and Head of China Water Risk

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