Are we doing enough? Taking stock on global adaptation and resilience


With COP26 in Glasgow quickly approaching, the Egyptian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, as co-Chair of the Adaptation Action Coalition (AAC), with the support of the World Resources Institute as Secretariat of the AAC, invites you to join an event to bring adaptation leaders across the globe together. It will take stock of progress on adaptation since the 2019 UN ‘Call for Action on Adaptation and Resilience.’

This high-level ministerial session will be an opportunity for leaders from the Adaptation Action Coalition (AAC), a coalition of countries chaired by the UK and Egypt, who have come together to elevate adaptation on the global climate change agenda and accelerate global action to achieve a climate resilient world by 2030. The session will highlight progress made in building collective political momentum to deliver effective and equitable adaptation and discuss how challenges have been overcome to continue delivering adaptation progress in select AAC workstreams: water, health, and locally led adaptation. After reflecting on progress made over the past few years, the webinar will conclude with a look to the future, catalyzing ambition and action from state and non-state actors to meet the scale of the climate crisis, both in the leadup to COP26 and beyond.