Pan Ei Ei Phyoe

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Pan Ei Ei Phyoe is a climate and water specialist from Myanmar, pursuing her doctorate in Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford. Trained as a water resource engineer and social scientist, Pan Ei’s doctoral degree aims to develop an interdisciplinary framework to assess water managers’ climate information and service needs in regions vulnerable to climate extremes. Her research combines technical expertise with policy and governance to bridge the gap between science, policy and social needs, focusing on tackling water scarcity and ensuring long-term environmental security.

Pan Ei has extensive experience in implementing water resource management strategies across Europe, East Africa, and Asia. At UNFCCC COP28, she played a key role in advancing the water agenda, drawing on her expertise in water security and climate policy. Through her leadership with the Oxford Water Network, she bridged practitioners and academics to promote global and local water initiatives. Her prior research area included water technologies at Water Campus Leeuwarden, sustainable hydropower at the International Hydropower Association, and Myanmar's International Water Management Institute (IWMI), where she worked on management strategies and water governance.

She holds dual master's degrees in Water Science, Policy, and Management from the University of Oxford and Water Resources Engineering and Management from the University of Stuttgart and a Bachelor of Engineering from Myanmar Maritime University. Pan Ei thrives on challenges and is passionate about researching innovative, sustainable water solutions, especially for climate-vulnerable countries.