Water & Climate Risk for Sustainability Managers: Regulatory Risk
11 a.m. - 12 p.m. EDT

The UN Water Conference: What Just Happened?
1:00–2:00 pm EDT
A webinar from the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) featuring AGWA keynotes.

Aligning Agendas: Advancing Adaptation through Country Participation in the UN Water Conference
9-10 a.m. EST | 3-4 p.m. CET

New Insights on Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation: Ramping Up Action through NBS Initiatives
09:00–10:00 EDT (UTC-4)
Join AGWA and WRI in this webinar exploring the ways in which Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) can be more widely utilized as climate adaptation tools. The event will feature the launch of a new WRI working paper on the topic, coupled with short talks and a moderated panel.

Water Resources in an Uncertain Future: An Introduction to CRIDA (en español)
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT
This launch webinar, organized by UNESCO and Deltares, will serve as an introduction to the upcoming Spanish language course on Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA_.

Sustainable Urban Water Management – Challenges and Opportunities in mainstreaming Climate Adaptation
17:00-18:15 Indian Standard Time (IST)

Facing Uncertainty in Water Management: From Urban Water Supply to Agriculture
12:00-13:30 UTC / 13:00-14:30 CET

Big Picture Thinking: Water Stewardship and Climate Adaptation
10:00 – 11:00 and 18:00 –19:00 UTC

Addressing Water Management Challenges through Decision Scaling and Adaptation Pathways
15:30–17:00 CET / 13:30-15:00 UTC

Incorporating Climate Risks into Decision Making Through CRIDA: Perspectives from Zambia and Chile
15:30–17:00 CEST / 13:30-15:00 UTC

Perspectives on Smart Stormwater Networks
A webinar of the IWA Digital Water Programme
Stormwater network management is a crucial issue for the preservation of the global natural environment as well as the safety of life and properties in urban areas. Using smart systems and advances in information and communications technology it is possible to upgrade the conventional management approaches into innovative and efficient systems. This webinar will provide an overview on technical (and non-technical) motivations and barriers to using digital technologies in sewer systems. Moreover, social challenges will be presented on multiple levels: individual, organisational and institutional.

Strengthening Alignment Between "Adaptation to Climate Change - Disaster Risk Management - Sustainable Development"
How can NAP processes help countries meet obligations under different global agendas? On March 4, the NAP Global Network Secretariat will host a webinar focused on the role NAP processes can play in helping align countries’ efforts under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework.
This webinar aimed at NAP teams, DRR practitioners and other stakeholders interested in getting started on aligning different policy processes by identifying enabling factors and learn about first efforts and good practices from country examples. In particular, it will:
Provide background on the rationale for alignment and where the different global agendas connect
Present national approaches to coherence in climate change adaptation and disaster risk management
Explore how the NAP process can be aligned with obligations countries have under other agendas
The role of development cooperation in supporting coherence.